Keynote Speakers
Alex Miller
Alex Miller has been part of the Clojure core team since 2013 and is now part of Nubank, where he continues working on Clojure features, the Clojure CLI tools, spec, and many other libraries. Alex co-authored the books Clojure Applied and Programming Clojure and created the conferences Clojure/west and Strange Loop.
James Gosling
James Gosling is Distinguished Engineer at Amazon Web Services. When working at Sun Microsystems he designed and implemented the first version of the Java language. He is also the author of the first Emacs to run on Unix, parts of which still live in the present version.
Event | Date | Duration | Title | Description | Presenter | Prerequisites |
Join | Nov. 30, 14:30 UTC | 2 hours | Combining HoneySQL with XTDB Core2 | Core2 is the latest R&D initiative from the XTDB team. The objective is to take the key principles embodied in XTDB 1.x — immutability, schemaless records, and temporal querying — to a mainstream SQL audience. This workshop will explore Core2 concepts through the lens of HoneySQL with bitemporal extensions. | Jeremy Taylor | |
Join | Nov. 30, 17:30 UTC | 2 hours | Introduction to Data-Oriented Programming in Clojure | Get into the Functional Programming and Data-Oriented Programming mindset. Learn best practices. Build a project following FP and DOP principles. Leverage the REPL for an efficient development workflow. | Yehonathan Sharvit |
Join | Dec. 08, 17:30 UTC | 1.5 hours | Moldable Live Programming with Clerk | Clerk is an open source programmer's assistant for Clojure that combines the advantages of notebooks like Jupyter, Smalltalk-style Moldable Development, and using one's favorite editor. In this workshop, you'll learn how you can use Clerk to complement the REPL. We'll embark on a tour through the use cases enabled by it – from data analysis, generative art, moldable documentation to small local-first apps – all with very little code. You will learn how Clerk works under the hood and how you can leverage its open toolbox design to extend it to your problem at hand. This workshop is intended for intermediate and advanced Clojure programmers. | Martin Kavalar |
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